What Is Acne On Your Body Telling About Your Health
A lot of people treat acne the same way no matter where on the body it appears. It is true that a lot of creams and gels work well, but the root cause of the acne can be treated differently depending on where exactly on the body does it appear. Every region corresponds to certain major problems which give certain ways to treat it. You will find out here the main sources of why acne appears on certain areas on your body and it will be a good point for you to start with the treatment of it by taking in consideration the root cause of acne on each body region. Our body will always try to communicate with us, we just have to listen. So, lets find out about what acne can tell us!
What is acne on your body telling about your health:
Zone 1 – Hormones Corresponds to the neck and can tell you that you have an overdrive of adrenal glands or you might have been exposed to too much sugar or stress. Wearing shirts with collars can accentuate them or even having greasy hair can make them multiply.
Zone 2 and 3 – Stress Correspond to shoulders and it means you have been overstressed, sensitive to outer stimulus or you can check if your handbag didn’t cause too much friction and irritated the area.
Zone 4 – The Digestive System Corresponds to chest area and acne here usually means you might have an overgrowth of yeast in the body and digestive system, poor diet, bad eating habits or you wear clothes that are not breathable so your pores doesn’t get enough air.
Zone 5 and 6 – Levels of Vitamins Correspond to your arms and acne here appears in forms of “fake goosebumps”. An overproduction of dead cells at the hair follicle level or even a poor blood circulation can cause them. You have to get a check to see how well your body absorbs vitamins and minerals so you know you are not dealing with a malabsorption. Other things you can do is to exfoliate more often the area with salicylic acid.
Zone 7 – Blood Sugar Levels Corresponds to the belly area and it mostly tells you have a high blood sugar or you wear tight fitting clothes. Cases of acne on this area are very rare though, even in these conditions.
Zone 8 – Hygiene or Beauty Procedures Corresponds to your pelvic and genital area and acne here can be a result of waxing or shaving. In some cases might show a poor hygiene or some sort of STD. Follow when do they appear and if you notice them after shaving or waxing it is normal, if they are there all the time you should ask yourself more questions about them.
Zone 9 and 10 – Allergies or Skin Sensitivities Correspond to your tights and usually they appear as a result to some sort of allergies to detergents and beauty products like shower gels or soaps. Sometimes, just like as for zone 8, the causes can be waxing or shaving. In this case, products with salicylic acid (BHA) or glycolic acid (AHA) are good.
Zone 11 and 12 – Digestive and Nervous System Correspond to the middle and lower back area which can show acne there mostly from sweating reasons. Not enough sleep and a poor diet can show up there and what you can do is to check these first and correct them. Watch out clothes that are too tight and make sure you get enough sleep.
Zone 13 and 14 – Digestive System Correspond to your but cheeks and as you can see what you eat really matters and the digestive system can cause problems on a lot of areas on your body under the form of acne. Acne in this area shows a poor digestive system or wearing dirty underwear that is not breathable, especially if you are a person who sweats a lot in that area.
Photo courtesy: positivemed.
We all know how important vitamins and minerals are in our everyday diet. In time, if our body doesn’t get whatit needs it will show you in very unloving ways that there is a problem that it needs to be solved in your diet. So, what are the 10 signs that show that you have vitamin deficiency?
1. Acne (deficiency of vitamin A, B6, B2, or C) How to solve it: start eating asparagus, bell peppers, carrots, avocado, cucumbers and other vegetables rich in these vitamins.
2. Dry skin (deficiency of vitamin A and C) How to solve it: start eating kale, bell peppers, romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, grapefruit, oranges, apricots and plums.
3. Dandruff (deficiency of B2, B6, zinc, magnesium, and biotin) How to solve it: start eating low fat roasted beef, peanuts, eggs, dark chocolate, nuts, fish, beans, carrots.
4. Hangnails (deficiency of vitamin C, proteins and folic acid) How to solve it: start eating lemons, green vegetables, red meat, peanut butter.
5. Bad breath (deficiency of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) How to solve it: start eating fish, bananas, pumpkin seeds and oysters.
6. Cracked lips (deficiency of folic acid, B6 and B12 vitamins) How to solve it: start eating lemons, oranges, milk, meat, leafy green veggies, eggs.
7.Light sensitivity (deficiency of A and B2 vitamins) How to solve it: start eating romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, peanuts, eggs.
8. Athlete’s foot (deficiency of vitamin A) How to solve it: start eating leafy greens, carrots, liver, butternut squash.
9.Jaundice (deficiency of vitamins C, E, A, B12, B6, lecithin, zinc and magnesium) How to solve it: start eating citrus fruits, meat and nuts.
10. Pale skin (deficiency of iron, folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B6) How to solve it: start eating green vegetables and nuts.
Source: amazingbeautifulworld.
Having a problematic skin is not easy, no matter what you try you still can’t achieve that smoothness you desire, but have you thought about using simple products you have in the kitchen to treat different skin problems? We will show you a simple trick that will give you perfect and smooth skin within just a short time of using it.
What you will need:
– one teaspoon of baking soda;
– one teaspoon of distilled water;
– hydrogen peroxide;
– one cotton pad.
Directions: Mix the water with the baking soda and apply it on your face. Don’t forget to wash and clean your face before. Apply the mixture on areas you have problems and let it sit for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse your face, on a small cotton pad apply some hydrogen peroxide and apply it again on the same areas, this will prevent darkening and lights the skin. A very easy beauty tip that makes a huge difference in the appearance of your skin.
Photo courtesy: ideasparatuhogar.
Acne is a condition a lot of women struggle with and those who managed to heal, know how hard it is to live with it. The entire face of the person and not only might be affected and not to mention the psychological impact on someone’s self confidence. If you have acne and you try to hide it as much as possible, you can do it, of course, with makeup and your healing will go with less frustrations and stress. It is very good to cover acne when going out, not just because it looks good, but also because it will protect the skin from dirt and outside pollution. See the tips and also the video below for a step by step guide!
1. Use a full-coverage and oil-free foundation – because you have acne, your skin is already oily so you don’t want to buy something that will make your face even more shiny. We know it is tempting, but don’t overdo and apply more layers of foundation, you will avoid looking cakey. Instead, apply some powder on to make it set properly.
2. Draw the attention to the eyes – accentuate the eyes more with an eyeliner or a smokey eye, it is always best to do that because people will look there not on your face and probably noticing something else.
3. Apply a blush on your cheeks – some color on skin will make you look cute and will make acne less visible.
4. Wear lipstick – as we said before, we want to draw attention on other features rather than let people observe the skin. Colors like pink and red are perfect for making people look at your lips.
5. Eat lots of vitamins – acne can be healed from the inside and that means that a healthy lifestyle it is very important. Eat fruits and vegetables and if needed take some supplements that help acquire the necessary quantity of vitamins and minerals you need.
Photo courtesy: dietplan101.