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What Is Acne On Your Body Telling About Your Health

A lot of people treat acne the same way no matter where on the body it appears. It is true that a lot of creams and gels work well, but the root cause of the acne can be treated differently depending on where exactly on the body does it appear. Every region corresponds to certain major problems which give certain ways to treat it. You will find out here the main sources of why acne appears on certain areas on your body and it will be a good point for you to start with the treatment of it by taking in consideration the root cause of acne on each body region. Our body will always try to communicate with us, we just have to listen. So, lets find out about what acne can tell us!
What Is Acne On Your Body Telling About Your Health
What is acne on your body telling about your health:
Zone 1 – Hormones Corresponds to the neck and can tell you that you have an overdrive of adrenal glands or you might have been exposed to too much sugar or stress. Wearing shirts with collars can accentuate them or even having greasy hair can make them multiply.
Zone 2 and 3 – Stress Correspond to shoulders and it means you have been overstressed, sensitive to outer stimulus or you can check if your handbag didn’t cause too much friction and irritated the area.
Zone 4 – The Digestive System Corresponds to chest area and acne here usually means you might have an overgrowth of yeast in the body and digestive system, poor diet, bad eating habits or you wear clothes that are not breathable so your pores doesn’t get enough air.
Zone 5 and 6 – Levels of Vitamins Correspond to your arms and acne here appears in forms of “fake goosebumps”. An overproduction of dead cells at the hair follicle level or even a poor blood circulation can cause them. You have to get a check to see how well your body absorbs vitamins and minerals so you know you are not dealing with a malabsorption. Other things you can do is to exfoliate more often the area with salicylic acid.
Zone 7 – Blood Sugar Levels Corresponds to the belly area and it mostly tells you have a high blood sugar or you wear tight fitting clothes. Cases of acne on this area are very rare though, even in these conditions.
Zone 8 – Hygiene or Beauty Procedures Corresponds to your pelvic and genital area and acne here can be a result of waxing or shaving. In some cases might show a poor hygiene or some sort of STD. Follow when do they appear and if you notice them after shaving or waxing it is normal, if they are there all the time you should ask yourself more questions about them.
Zone 9 and 10 – Allergies or Skin Sensitivities Correspond to your tights and usually they appear as a result to some sort of allergies to detergents and beauty products like shower gels or soaps. Sometimes, just like as for zone 8, the causes can be waxing or shaving. In this case, products with salicylic acid (BHA) or glycolic acid (AHA) are good.
Zone 11 and 12 – Digestive and Nervous System Correspond to the middle and lower back area which can show acne there mostly from sweating reasons. Not enough sleep and a poor diet can show up there and what you can do is to check these first and correct them. Watch out clothes that are too tight and make sure you get enough sleep.
Zone 13 and 14 – Digestive System Correspond to your but cheeks and as you can see what you eat really matters and the digestive system can cause problems on a lot of areas on your body under the form of acne. Acne in this area shows a poor digestive system or wearing dirty underwear that is not breathable, especially if you are a person who sweats a lot in that area.
Photo courtesy: positivemed.
We all know how important vitamins and minerals are in our everyday diet. In time, if our body doesn’t get whatit needs it will show you in very unloving ways that there is a problem that it needs to be solved in your diet. So, what are the 10 signs that show that you have vitamin deficiency?
10 Signs That You Have Vitamins Deficiency
1. Acne (deficiency of vitamin A, B6, B2, or C) How to solve it: start eating asparagus, bell peppers, carrots, avocado, cucumbers and other vegetables rich in these vitamins.
2. Dry skin (deficiency of vitamin A and C) How to solve it: start eating kale, bell peppers, romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, grapefruit, oranges, apricots and plums.
3. Dandruff (deficiency of B2, B6, zinc, magnesium, and biotin) How to solve it: start eating low fat roasted beef, peanuts, eggs, dark chocolate, nuts, fish, beans, carrots.
4. Hangnails (deficiency of vitamin C, proteins and folic acid) How to solve it: start eating lemons, green vegetables, red meat, peanut butter.
5. Bad breath (deficiency of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6) How to solve it: start eating fish, bananas, pumpkin seeds and oysters.
6. Cracked lips (deficiency of folic acid, B6 and B12 vitamins) How to solve it: start eating lemons, oranges, milk, meat, leafy green veggies, eggs.
7.Light sensitivity (deficiency of A and B2 vitamins) How to solve it: start eating romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, peanuts, eggs.
8. Athlete’s foot (deficiency of vitamin A) How to solve it: start eating leafy greens, carrots, liver, butternut squash.
9.Jaundice (deficiency of vitamins C, E, A, B12, B6, lecithin, zinc and magnesium) How to solve it: start eating citrus fruits, meat and nuts.
10. Pale skin (deficiency of iron, folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B6) How to solve it: start eating green vegetables and nuts.

Having a problematic skin is not easy, no matter what you try you still can’t achieve that smoothness you desire, but have you thought about using simple products you have in the kitchen to treat different skin problems? We will show you a simple trick that will give you perfect and smooth skin within just a short time of using it.
What you will need:
– one teaspoon of baking soda;
– one teaspoon of distilled water;
– hydrogen peroxide;
– one cotton pad.
Smooth Skin Trick
Directions: Mix the water with the baking soda and apply it on your face. Don’t forget to wash and clean your face before. Apply the mixture on areas you have problems and let it sit for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse your face, on a small cotton pad apply some hydrogen peroxide and apply it again on the same areas, this will prevent darkening and lights the skin. A very easy beauty tip that makes a huge difference in the appearance of your skin.

Photo courtesy: ideasparatuhogar.
Acne is a condition a lot of women struggle with and those who managed to heal, know how hard it is to live with it. The entire face of the person and not only might be affected and not to mention the psychological impact on someone’s self confidence. If you have acne and you try to hide it as much as possible, you can do it, of course, with makeup and your healing will go with less frustrations and stress. It is very good to cover acne when going out, not just because it looks good, but also because it will protect the skin from dirt and outside pollution. See the tips and also the video below for a step by step guide!
Tips On How to Hide Acne On Face
1. Use a full-coverage and oil-free foundation – because you have acne, your skin is already oily so you don’t want to buy something that will make your face even more shiny. We know it is tempting, but don’t overdo and apply more layers of foundation, you will avoid looking cakey. Instead, apply some powder on to make it set properly.
2. Draw the attention to the eyes – accentuate the eyes more with an eyeliner or a smokey eye, it is always best to do that because people will look there not on your face and probably noticing something else.
3. Apply a blush on your cheeks – some color on skin will make you look cute and will make acne less visible.
4. Wear lipstick – as we said before, we want to draw attention on other features rather than let people observe the skin. Colors like pink and red are perfect for making people look at your lips.
5. Eat lots of vitamins – acne can be healed from the inside and that means that a healthy lifestyle it is very important. Eat fruits and vegetables and if needed take some supplements that help acquire the necessary quantity of vitamins and minerals you need.
Photo courtesy: dietplan101.

Stress-busting mind-body medicine reduces need for health care


This week, researchers at Harvard reported a potent way to keep the doctor away. And it isn’t an apple a day or a new drug — it’s a life skill called resilience. It’s the adult equivalent of crashing into a hedge during your first bike ride without training wheels, shaking the leaves and dirt from your hair, and thinking, “Okay, that wasn’t too bad. Let me try that again.”
People tend to think resilience is something that lucky people have and unhappy people lack, but that’s not true. It’s a skill you can learn. Anyone can strengthen their resilience with practice, starting with the relaxation response — a physiologic state of deep rest induced by practices such as rhythmic breathing, mindfulness meditation, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, or prayer. The relaxation response was first described more than 40 years ago by Dr. Herbert Benson, founder and director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).
The power of resilience is at the center of a study published this week in the journal PLoS One by Benson and his colleagues at MGH. People who graduated from a resiliency-boosting program developed by the Benson-Henry Institute used considerably less health care services in the year following the course compared with the year before.

The impact of resilience training

Benson-Henry has developed an eight-week course, called the Relaxation Response Resiliency Program (3RP), to enhance resiliency. To measure the effect of this program on health care utilization, the PLoS One study mined a rich database of patient information compiled by Partners HealthCare, a system that includes MGH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and other Boston-area health care facilities. The study compared health care use by more than 4,400 3RP graduates to that of 13,150 Partners patients who didn’t take the 3RP course. In the year after training, use of health care services by the 3RP graduates dropped by 43%.
“We’ve shown in the past that it works in the laboratory and on the level of individual physiology, and now we can see that when you make people well, they don’t want to use health care so much,” says study leader Dr. James E. Stahl, previously affiliated with the Benson-Henry Institute but now based at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.
Was the 3RP training ultimately responsible for the reduced health care demand? This study cannot prove that beyond doubt, because it just observed statistical links. The researchers were careful to account for factors besides 3RP training that could affect the amount of health care people seek — especially age, gender, race, education, and income level. “Can you ever really eliminate that? I don’t think anyone can be sure,” Dr. Stahl says.
To policy makers, the study offers the possibility of a safe and inexpensive way to help control rising healthcare costs. But strictly speaking, this study doesn’t provide any conclusive evidence about that. For example, what if some of the 3RP group skipped exams and other services that otherwise would have improved their health? More research is needed before anyone can bank on resilience training as a way to keep costs down. “Looking at utilization is the first step toward measuring costs,” Dr. Stahl says.

You can build resilience without formal training

For those of us who don’t live in Boston and can’t sign up for the 3RP training, it’s still possible to boost our resilience in a variety of ways. Resilience comes in part from making meaningful connections with other people, such as through volunteer work, caretaking for aging relatives, and other service work.
In addition, positive psychology research shows that having an optimistic outlook and a sense of connectedness, meaning, and purpose in your life contributes to resilience. This includes learning how to identify and challenge day-to-day negative attitudes that can undermine health.
“Just like fluorinating your water or vaccinating yourself, these are ways of keeping you healthy with, from a public health perspective, minimal investment,” Dr. Stahl says. “My own opinion is that we should probably be teaching those skills in grade school.”

Best And Worst Sleeping Positions You Must Know To Stay Healthy

#1 Couples: Spooning.

Spooning has upsides and downsides. It’s considered a stress reliever, but it can result in aches and pains. According to psychologists, physical contact, even during sleep, can result in reduced stress in both partners. On the other hand, since you’re in an awkward position, your body can end up achy. So you have to weigh up pros and cons here. Me, I don’t mind spooning aches!

#2 Back to back.

Most couples sleep back to back, but still keep some kind of physical contact. When all contact is avoided, there may be relationship issues.

#3 Facing each other.

Of course, this is a very intimate and connected position, since it allows eye and physical contact.

#4 Sleeping solo: Starfish position

Arms up help to prevent facial wrinkles, snoring, and even acid reflux. It’s also a good position for back health. The downside is that shoulder discomfort can be experienced due to the position they’re put in. Extra pillows can help with this.

#5 Sleeping on your stomach.

It’s not a right position to sleep in. It can result in pins and needles in your arms and legs. It can prevent you from breathing properly. Babies aren’t put in their cribs on their stomach any more to prevent SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, because putting the baby’s face on the mattress can smother him.

#6 Pillow cuddling.

Pillow cuddling is effective to obtain better rest without the accompanied spinal pain.

#7 Sleeping on your back.

This is the best position to sleep in. It is often recommended by doctors and it helps to keep your neck and spine healthy. Plus all the other benefits of number 4, without the shoulder discomfort.

Ways To Take Mashed Potatoes To The Next Level the best food

 Food Network, Food Poisoning, Food Lion, Food Stamps, Food Network Star, Food 4 Less, Food Near Me, Food Basics, Foods High In Iron, Foods High In Potassium,
1. cooked Garlic & cheese Mashed Potatoes
Posh up your potatoes by adding 2 easy ingredients. This works best with red potatoes FYI.

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It’s Tues once more.

Which means time for one more recipe!

This instruction was caused as a result of i used to be needing a toothsome potato instruction for Associate in Nursing forthcoming church perform.  I threw along a number of the items i favor, and came up with this:

Roasted Garlic & cheese Mashed Potatoes.

I love red potatoes therefore that is what I used in this instruction.
I don’t recognize if it’s as a result of you don’t got to peel them before hand, however they conjointly style good!
Of course you may use any kind of potato that you simply like for this.
Don’t they appear delish!
Being that they're flat-top with cheese and chives doesn’t hurt either.

The kids loved the cheese on top and therefore the hubby just thought they were good overall.
The ladies from church enjoyed them too!
Needless to say, these potatoes square measure a winner!
To transfer the instruction, click the link below.

I’d like to recognize if you offer these a attempt to if you're keen on them too!
Happy Cooking!

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Mozzarella and Mash Pie

   Food Network, Food Poisoning, Food Lion, Food Stamps, Food Network Star, Food 4 Less, Food Near Me, Food Basics, Foods High In Iron, Foods High In Potassium,
Fluffy mash + creamy mozzarella = a big winner.
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I already expected plenty of snickers once I got a package from my lady Teri. Why? Oh, I don’t grasp. decision it gut-feeling, decision it intuition, decision it a sixth-sense.
Or maybe it were the S.L.U.T napkins (stressed-out women unreeling together) she mail-clad Maine a while past. Or the Tired recent Ass Soak tub salt, the Heavy-Duty Bitch tissues and pillbox that said: “It’s such a stunning day i feel I’ll surprise everyone and skip my medication“, that she felt was thus ‘me’.
Now that’s Teri for ya.
What I didn’t expect was this superbly recent ‘The Southern Junior League Cookbook‘ stuffed to the brim with appetising recipes that she place into the package further. I don’t suppose she might have created Maine any happier, tho' i need to admit the tired recent ass soak worked wonders on me!
I flipped through recipes all afternoon and stumbled on a few (well, a lot, actually) of them that were right up my alley. thus easy and engaging however thus unDutch that I felt compelled to show them into a posting and unfold the love.
Now this one’s amazing: a flossy Irish potato pie flat-topped with creamy cheese, tart tomatoes and Italian herbs. If you would like to place some flavor into your mashed taters next time, do that one!
2 pound potatoes
1/2 pound fresh mozzarella balls
1/2 cup grated cheese
3 tomatoes
1 oz butter
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
pepper & salt to style
Optionally: nutmeg

Super foods for Super Skin


 It’s been same we tend to square measure what we tend to eat, which sentiment positively holds true once it involves our skin.  It’s our body’s biggest organ, and it deserves all the nutritionary TLC we are able to provides it. therefore take a glance at what you’ve been feeding yourself, and so feeding your skin. 

One the foremost vital parts of skin health is antiophthalmic factor, and doubtless one among the most effective sources of it\'s low-fat dairy farm product. It may well be same the health of our skin depends on antiophthalmic factor. Low-fat dairy product isn\'t solely high in antiophthalmic factor, however conjointly acidophilus, the \"live\" bacterium that\'s smart for viscus health. Turns out, it should even have an impression on the skin, since it aids in digestion. different smart sources of antiophthalmic factor embrace cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, carrots, leaflike vegetables, and fortified breakfast cereals.

It’s vital to conjointly ensure you’re uptake foods made in antioxidants, like blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums. the advantages of those foods for healthy skin square measure plentiful. The antioxidants and different phytochemicals in these fruits will defend the skin cells, therefore there\'s less likelihood for injury.  This successively guards against premature aging, and keeps skin trying younger longer. different fruits and vegetables that square measure high in antioxidants embrace artichokes, black, red, and horse beans, prunes, and pecans.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) square measure essential to your skin. embrace salmon, walnuts, canola oil, and flax seed.  EFAs keep cell membranes healthy, and permit nutrients to undergo.
We conjointly want healthy oils, that contain quite essential fatty acids. uptake good-quality oils helps keep skin greased and keeps it trying and feeling healthier overall. seek for oils that square measure cold ironed, like olive or additional virgin oil. we tend to solely want concerning 2 tablespoons on a daily basis of healthy oils, therefore use sagely.

Selenium plays a crucial role within the health of skin cells. address foods like food grain bread, muffins, and cereals; turkey, tuna and brazil cracked for this vital nutrient.  Recent studies show that if element levels square measure high, even skin broken by the sun could solely suffer negligible, if any, damage.
Choosing the entire grain versions of advanced carbohydrates will have a major impact on hypoglycemic agent levels. Processed and refined sugars will cause inflammation which will ultimately be coupled to skin break outs.
Green tea has anti-inflammatory drug properties, and it protects the membrane of the cell. it should even facilitate forestall or scale back carcinoma risks. 

Water plays such a crucial role in your overall health, and it\'s a profound impact on your skin’s health likewise.  Well-hydrated skin is healthy and young-looking.  It conjointly helps move the toxins out of your system in order that they have less likelihood to try and do injury.

Things to Consider When Buying Home Fitness Equipments


There are a hundred lots of home fitness equipment nowadays that are sold in the market. Do not make the mistake in buying something and then regretting why you bought it after a day or two. Home fitness equipments vary and you should always have one good reason to buy it. Don't believe on everything commercials tell you about the equipment. Some equipment may seem easy to use on television but n fact will not really work for you. Try to ask yourself first of these questions before you grab your wallet and buy that equipment fitness.

Do you need it? The equipment should suit your interests and needs. The activities that you will do with that equipment should be challenging and something to enjoy on. Buying equipment is never a guarantee that you will use it especially if it is something new that makes it harder to use. Make sure that you already know the equipment and that it is something that you already tried in a fitness club. Start from buying small equipments that are aligned to your interests.

Fitness Equipments Can you afford it? Don't be fooled with the thought that you will be forced to use something because you spent too much money for it. Expensive equipments are never an assurance that you will use them or that they are effective for you.  Always consider how much are you willing to pay for certain equipment. Also ask yourself iif it is worth it. Always check on the quality before you buy equipment. The price may be too low but consider that the quality can also be low. Or it may be expensive but then the quality is not that good. You can try choosing on cheaper alternatives but not sacrificing the quality of the equipment.

You may also want to check out for some used equipments. Most of the time, this is where you find a better deal. You can even find equipments that do not seem to have been used at a very low rate. Or you can find the equipment 3 months old but the price is almost half the original.

Do you have enough space for it? This is often what buyers forget to consider. Try to consider first where to place a treadmill before buying it. Before you buy something, make sure you know where you will place it.Fitness Equipments Your place may not accommodate the equipment. Plan ahead and make sure that the equipment can be placed in your home without causing any hassle.

Is it safe for you? If you have existing conditions, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that the equipment will be safe for you. Some equipment may be painful to use and might cause harm to your body. So make sure to try it first be fore you buy it Fitness Equipments.

It also suggested that you first consider if a gym near you already has that equipment.  You can save money by just registering to that gym and use that equipment compared the price you will spend if you will buy that product.

Buying fitness equipments should be bought with consideration. Do not buy by impulse. Always ask the opinion of a professional gym instructor before you buy something.

Muscle Fiction fitness


If you'v been training, here's a short list of bodybuilding fiction.
1.  Rep rule

Muscle Fiction Most weight training program include this much repetitions for gaining muscle. The truth is this approach places the muscles with not enough tension for effective muscle gain. High tension e.g. heavy weights provides muscle growth in which the muscle grows much larger, leading to the maximum gains in strength. Having  longer tension time boosts the muscle size by generating the structures around the muscle fibers, improving endurance.

The standard prescription of eight to 12 repetitions provides a balance but by just using that program all of the time, you do not generate the greater tension levels that is provided by the heavier weights and lesser reps, and the Muscle Fiction longer tension achieved with lighter weights and more repetitions. Change the number of reps and adjust the weights to stimulate all types of muscle growth Muscle Fiction.

2. Three Set rule

The truth is there's nothing wrong with three sets but then again there is nothing amazing about it either. The number of sets you perform should be base on your goals and not on a half-century old rule. Muscle Fiction The more repetitions you do on an exercise, the fewer sets you should do, and vice versa. This keeps the total number of repetitions done of an exercise equal.

3. Three to four exercises per group

The truth is this is a waste of time. Combined with twelve reps of three sets, the total number of reps amount to 144. Muscle Fiction If your doing this much reps for a muscle group your not doing enough. Instead of doing too many varieties of exercises, try doing 30 to 50 reps. That can be anywhere from 2 sets of  15 reps or 5 sets of 10 reps.

4. My knees, my toes

fitness It is a gym folklore that you “should not let your knees go past your toes." Truth is that leaning forward a little too much is more likely a cause of injury. In 2003, Memphis University researchers confirmed that knee stress was almost thirty percent higher when the knees are allowed to move beyond the toes during a squat.

fitness But hip stress increased nearly 10 times or (1000 percent) when the forward movement of the knee was restricted. Because the squatters needed to lean their body forward and that forces the strain to  transfer to the lower back.

Focus on your upper body position and less on the knee. Keep the torso in an upright position as much as possible when doing squats and lunges. These  reduces the stress generated on the hips and back. To stay upright, before squatting, squeeze the shoulder blades together and hold them in that position; and then as you squat,fitness keep the forearms 90 degree to the floor Muscle Fiction.

5. Lift weights, draw abs

Muscle Fiction The truth is the muscles work in groups to stabilize the spine, and the most important muscle group change depending on the type of exercise. The transverse abdominis is not always the most important muscle group. Actually, for most exercise, the body automatically activates the muscle group that are needed most for support of the spine. So if you focus only on the transverse abdominis,fitness  it can recruit wrong muscles and limit the right muscles. This increases the chance of injury, and reduces the weight that can be lifted.

Rapid Weight Loss Techniques


Other than physical appearance weight affects a person in many ways. This could be the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical incapabilities. There are a lot of positive changes once a person experience weight loss.  It is for this reason why a lot of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely trim down those fats and get a super slim head turner body.

The first thing that an over-weight should do is seek a doctor to recommend the best weight loss regimen. This will be done after a full physical examination, which leads to the determination of proper weight loss technique. And to lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.
Here are fast tips that can change an over-weight's life:

First: Fast weight loss composes of a multi-faceted technique that consists mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements.  Begin by learning a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with.  Incorporate an exercise plan that allows even at least fifteen minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

Second: Set realistic approaches.  The ability to focus and have proper mindset enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and proper mind set, a dieter will never be discouraged and lose focus.

Third: Listen as the body speaks.  Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans.  Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body's reaction.  Exercise program must be suitable to one's body, as others are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can.  If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven the best exercise.  Muscles burn more calories than fats so it's also best to put on a little muscle and looking good too.

Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes a person full sooner and stays in the tummy longer, slowing down the rate of digestion.  A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster.  Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes the body's insulin level.  Thus, making the body more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop burning fats or start storing.

Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat.  Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can contain more fat than when a beef is fried.  It is recommended for those on strict diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contain less amount of fat after the food is cooked.

Sixth: Takes lots of fluid.  Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed.  Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, the body must stay hydrated.

All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice and the key to a rapid weight loss success.  Light dieting, workout, and right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started.