Corn is the best health food

08:58 Unknown 0 Comments


I knew the maize as a staple food for many people since ancient times and is that the first factory of the House of Mexico corn has been cultivated for thousands of years. Corn ranks second amongst most cultivation of cereals in the world today, in which rice occupies first place, wheat finished third. Corn is the only plant that can reproduce without human intervention.
Installation of corn: corn starch, sugars and proteins extracted from grains of corn oil, also contain minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Ate the corn in Europe and America boiled while Arabic of the country grilled and made from several types of chips, cornflakes. a study confirmed that eating boiled or grilled, corn chips of corn flakes or added to the authorities is one of the best foods on human health.

Types of corn:

Several types of corn, sorghum, corn, sweetcorn coloured two with some white and yellow grains. There are also corn kernels used in the popcorn (popcorn), a type used to produce flour and corn starch.
Advantages of corn:

Corn is low in fat and calories and corn provides 3 grams of fiber and protein. This allows for massive corn fibre-rich to reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of human infection to cancer of the colon.
While white corn is low in vitamin A, while yellow corn is rich in this vitamin. While the two types of corn contains good amounts of vitamin C and alvolasin, which fights disease and strengthens the immune system, and small amounts of potassium and magnesium.

Corn is the best tranquilizer and better produce urine substances existing in nature without side effects. Boiled or soaked corn used in the treatment of severe renal colic types and kidney stones of rheumatism and gout. Corn dipped surfactant for mild blood pressure and rid the body of accumulated toxins.

Carriers that adorn the ears and qualified the moderating influence (corn hair) and effectiveness in urine because it contains acid Salicylic relief of pain and anti-inflammatory and antitussive.

Introduced the corn flour in the work of the masks and is used as an effective treatment for facial ejaculation, pills and sunburn. Also used as a good cleanser shampoo and corn flour.