The benefits of the olive oil for health

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Today I present to you on oil for a healthy human body vaoaed taalo know health 15 are olive oil, of course, but we have a huge stock of health 15 high income according to the American Journal of clinical nutrition and world news magazine.
 The benefits for you

1 Your arteries more flexible – teaspoons per day make you more resistant to strokes and heart attacks.

2 lowers bad cholesterol - olive oil contains its procrastinating polyphenols, which helps maintain the rate of LDL low density lipoprotein LDL your scope.

3 makes you less hungry-olive you felt full and tends to make you eat less and have less interested in sugar cravings.

4 reduces the risk of stroke in the elderly through some other mechanism - older people who eat meals rich in olive oil contains oleic acid in the plasma, they had fewer strokes in the study carried out in 2011.

5 reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in women - in the Mediterranean cultures Revere olive oil, quite rightly, the Italian study that found a diet that includes olive oil with plenty of vegetables and fruit resulted in lower rates of coronary heart disease in women enrolled in the study.

6 treatment of the acne-although it seems counter-intuitive to use oil to combat pimples and blackheads, use olive oil, rubbing it with salt helps resist certain types of acne.

7 protection of the red blood cells and therefore protect your heart - with time and the oxidation of the cells causes the symptoms of aging and age. Polyphenols in olive oil especially effective in the protection of the erythrocytes of oxidation. The study conducted in 2009 this point as DHPEA-EDA.

8 treatment sunburn - olive oil softens light pain sunburn through the skin to help moisture to olive trees. Use equal amounts of olive oil and water in an airtight container, shake them well, then spray on a light sunburn shook this mixture well during the pinch to prevent it from breaking.

   9 help fight cancer of the breast - olive oil contains material of the chemical plant, and a 2008 study reveals that these materials to kill cancer cells and suppression of its genes.
10 it strengthens memory and some research has shown that olive oil can prevent and even reverse loss of memory associated with Alzheimer's disease.

 11. to prevent heart attacks in men - a study of 2008 showed that men who consumed at least two ounces of olive oil have reduced the risk of heart attack by 28% compared to men who don't consume olive oil.

12 keep the lips soft and supple-making your own lip balm by mixing olive oil and beeswax bekader equal. And place it in a small glass bowl, place it on your lips with your fingers.
13 recreate your hair - beautiful to veterans and veterans as used olive oil to beautify themselves. Olive strengthens the hair, making it stronger and more flexible.

14 helps maintain your health in old age - diet has proved to be one of the healthier diets environment in the world. Some see it more correctly. Olive is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. Although lots of fish, whole grains, vegetables and the avwakh also play an important role in the success of the diet, the scientists agreed that it would be almost pointless without olive oil.

15 prevent hair from drying out: the olive oil as a conditioner for leather scalp it moisturizes the scalp dry.