Diet pregnant the most important drugs in the first three months

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Must include all elements of sugars and proteins and materials herbs, minerals and vitamins

At the start of pregnancy, the mother should take care of proper nutrition for it to provide and child son the power and life, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, in which the fetus and members built configuration, the newspaper quoted the based in London Al-Hayat.
Good nutrition for pregnant women must include all elements, sugars of nominal XXIX, proteins and fats, minerals and vitamins, fibers and any deficiency fr one or more of these components reflect negatively on the lives of the unborn inside his mother's womb after his arrival in this world.
Pregnant nutrition must be balanced, and varied: not eat too much sugar and carbohydrates and fat. In general, the holder shall ensure that the foods in their diet:
1 milk and dairy products and are an excellent source of calcium which is needed to build bones and teeth and the essential for muscle and nerve function and activate enzymes and absorb vitamin b 12. Not to mention that lime products dairy functionality as containing significant amounts of proteins, fats, minerals and a good number of vitamins for pregnant women and the fetus. Pregnant woman must drink milk and eat dairy products every day in a meal.
2 whole grains, which contain the quantities of vitamins of Group b as many functions in the body, including the nervous system, the promotion of health and helps with energy production and maintains a healthy digestive system. Manger UN rack complete pain pain provides a great amount of vitamins "b".
3 meat, fish, eggs and are an excellent source amino acids, no body can not synthesize. Highly recommended in this regard that the rack between protein sources and planter protecotra and can not somehow just to eat protein from vegetable sources is answered due to lack of some essential amino acids. It is Extrêmement important consumption of seafood 2-3 times per week for the wealth of iodine is essential for thyroid function.
4 vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. What pregnant most important vegetables UN devraient crèche grape, cabbage, carrots, beans leaves, spinach, potatoes and peppers. And vegetables are eaten raw or prepared in soups, boiling must not resort to long because it loses the most important vegetable. Can pregnant women eat vegetables in a salad with a mixture of various vegetables, especially colorful leafy.
5 citrus fruits, are rich in vitamin c, you need in rack on a daily basis, because the body cannot manufacture and storage. Finally on the grid of iron-rich foods this particular lock nutritional anaemia spread in abundance in our Arabic due to malnutrition or lack of health awareness, and iron deficiency anemia is one of the most important causes of mortality among pregnant women, or death of the child during childbirth, because iron is very important for the mother and the fetus. Iron is available in black and honey, artichoke, spinach, bananas, grapes, pomegranates, apricots, dark leafy green vegetables. It is also abundant in meat products, liver, spleen and sea.